Lesson In Asset Tracking with Matchbook Learning

Case Study
Lesson In Asset Tracking with Matchbook Learning

How metal barcode asset tracking helped Matchbook learning


A quality education is more important than ever for today’s students. It is the key to becoming a confident and self-dependent individual. Unfortunately, not all students have this opportunity. This is where organizations like Matchbook Learning come into play. Matchbook Learning is national non-profit K-8 school turnaround organization – essentially, they create a great school out of a failing school.


Using a blended learning approach, Matchbook Learning combines teacher-led and technology-supported instruction, according to Eric McGuire the Director of Personalization at Matchbook Learning. And, as one can imagine, a technologically heavy and individually focused model like Matchbook’s requires a lot of IT devices.

With so many devices coming and going an asset tracking system is essential to inventory every device a student and/or staff member has, what the device is and where it’s located. In addition, it is very important for the organization to use the tracking system to specify the funding resource used to purchase the device. For example, grants, philanthropic organizations and even the federal government are potential funding resources, and the organization needs to have accountability back to that funding resource to show how the funding was used.


McGuire was working with Asset Panda for the software portion of the asset tracking project when Asset Panda recommended using one of their partners, Metalcraft, for the custom asset tags. “From there, I talked to Tonya (inside sales representative at Metalcraft) who sent out a variety of samples to test which I promptly took out and stuck to the top of my desk,” he said. “We ultimately went with her (Tonya’s) suggestion of the Tabbed Metal Barcode Nameplate for its durability and ease of use.”

The primary challenge associated with this application was the short deadline McGuire and his team were up against requiring a quick purchase and delivery. Fortunately, Metalcraft was more than up to the task. McGuire reports Tonya was up front about what was possible in terms of turnaround/delivery and helped explain correct application procedures made even easier because of easy-to-remove tab on each one of the nameplates. “They had great attention to detail and quick responsiveness,” he said.


McGuire reports very positive results so far with the asset tracking system using Metalcraft’s Tabbed Metal Barcode Nameplates. “Metalcraft has allowed us quick and easy access to track every piece of technology with barcodes that can withstand damage due to wear and tear,” said McGuire

To learn more about our asset tracking solutions, contact us today at [email protected].

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Lesson In Asset Tracking with Matchbook Learning