RFID Programming Guide: What Data is Compatible with RFID Tags
Metalcraft VideosIn this guide, RFID Business Development Director Colynn Black provides essential tips for programming RFID tags, focusing on three key data types: Binary, Hexadecimal, and ASCII.
- Binary Data: A system of ones and zeros (bits) that computers and RFID chips use. Binary strings are the foundational data structure.
- Hexadecimal Data: A numerical system that uses 16 alphanumeric characters (0-9, A-F) to represent binary data more efficiently. For example, the binary string “1111” equals the hexadecimal character “F”.
- ASCII Data: These are readable characters, converted from hexadecimal using an ASCII chart. For instance, the hexadecimal “53” corresponds to the letter “S” in ASCII.
By understanding how binary is converted into hexadecimal and then into ASCII, you can effectively program RFID tags. Once these concepts are mastered, you’re ready to begin programming RFID tags!