What is RFID Frequency and Why It’s Important

Metalcraft Videos

What is RFID Frequency and Why It’s Important

RFID frequency plays a crucial role in determining how RFID tags perform globally. Different countries operate within specific frequency bands, making it essential to choose the right tag for your needs. RFID frequency is measured in megahertz (MHz), with two common bands: high frequency (HF) and ultra-high frequency (UHF). UHF ranges from 860-960 MHz, but countries like the U.S. use the FCC band (902-928 MHz), while European countries use the Etsy band (865.6-867.6 MHz).

Though most passive UHF tags are designed for global use, their performance may vary depending on the location’s frequency range. Understanding these frequency differences ensures optimal tag performance across borders. Watch this video to learn more about RFID frequency and how it affects your operations.