Tracking Traveling IT With Vantage Partners

Case Study
Tracking Traveling IT With Vantage Partners

Barcodes help consultants manage global IT inventory, budget

The Challenge

Vantage Partners helps some of the world’s leading global companies with conflict resolution and partner relations – mergers, alliances and partnership management. Their management consultants provide global, hands-on professional service delivery supported by mobile information technology – primarily laptops, printers and projectors. When Scott Martin joined Vantage to manage their IT, there was no process for tracking these assets and no inventory. So, when there was an IT problem, it was difficult to fix, as there was no record of the specifications of the distributed tools.

The Solution

Martin started by building system to manage inventory. He adapted an Access database to capture and manage the inventory data – including ages, version histories and more. This data was associated with a unique ID number attached to each asset – a simple solution that hit a snag when he started attaching his ID labels. The label information was wearing off and labels were falling off, rendering the barcode unreadable or missing.

“The label is critical for quick ID,” said Martin. “A cheaper solution led to disappointment; I needed something with a strong adhesive and durable printing.” A Web search lead him to Metalcraft and a recommendation for Premium StyleMark barcode labels. They are polycarbonate property tags that deliver outstanding adherence to plastic surfaces with Tedlar® film and color sub-surface printing to protect the logos, copy and barcode against abrasion and other rigors of extended business travel.

The Result

Vantage has improved their business continuity and budget with Martin’s new processes. The inventory helps him manage upgrades and depreciation as well as support the consultants. Reliable ID for these world travelers means being able to handle software issues and other errors remotely based on the data tied to the Metalcraft label.

To learn more about our asset tracking solutions, contact us today at [email protected].

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Tracking Traveling IT With Vantage Partners