Inlay Innovation Celebrates First Anniversary

The Asset Tracking Blog

Topics: RFID, RFID Inlays
Published By: on August 15, 2022

Hard to believe, but it’s been a whole year since we introduced Inlay Innovation, our custom inlay manufacturing division that uses state-of-the-art equipment and process to deliver unique, one-of-a-kind solutions to our customers.

To mark this very important milestone and see just how far we’ve come in only 12 months, I sat down with Metalcraft President Kyle Bermel to get his thoughts.

kyle bermel
  • JD (Julia Deets): What has Inlay Innovation accomplished in the past year?

KB (Kyle Bermel): Over the past year we’ve been able to produce tens of millions of parts for use both internally and for our customers.

  • JD: How has Inlay Innovation benefited Metalcraft’s existing customers?

KB: Metalcraft’s existing customers are dealing with some of the same supply chain issues we are facing. Inlay Innovation allows them better control of their supply chain and allows for more consistent deliveries.

  • JD: How has Inlay Innovation benefited new Metalcraft customers?

KB: New customers benefit from Inlay Innovation through the customization capabilities it affords them – starting with the ability to customize their very own inlay through manufacturing a completed RFID tag – all under one “roof” at Metalcraft.

  • JD: What has Inlay Innovation allowed Metalcraft to do that we wouldn’t have been able to otherwise?

KB: Simply stated, Inlay Innovation has allowed us to have better control of our supply chain by helping to smooth out some of our supply chain gaps. In today’s world of supply chain issues and material shortages the ability to manufacture inlays was a strategic move that has paid huge dividends – both with the ability to attract new business as well as becoming our own inlay supplier for our Universal RFID Tags – Metalcraft’s flagship RFID product line.

  • JD: What’s next for Inlay Innovation?

KB: In addition to continuing to expand our current inlay design, development and manufacturing capabilities, we also plan to continue expanding our prototyping and testing capabilities.

For more information about Inlay Innovation or to talk to one of our RFID Specialists about a potential application, please contact us at 800-437-5283 or [email protected].

About the Author: Julia Deets

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Email: [email protected]

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