4 Websites to Master Barcode Tags Like a Pro

The Asset Tracking Blog

Published By: on November 13, 2019

As computer technology has matured through the last 40 years, the demand for data acquisition and transmission has exploded. Worldwide, barcode tags have become an integral component of the boom especially in the field of electronic identification.

Even though barcodes were an early application of computer technology, users, potential users, and the general public still have questions about the common (and the not so common) barcode. With that in mind, the following 4 sites may help to throw some light on the many aspects of the subject.

Learning About Barcode Tags

For the general public curious about the barcode lines on almost every product bought and, perhaps, for a novice entrepreneur considering the use of a barcode for the first time, the site HOWSTUFFWORKS is a start.


This site gives a brief overview of codes and how to read them. Be sure to scroll to the bottom of each page as you work your way through the five page post because advertizing comes within the script on some pages.

For those who want more, the Computalabel company’s Website covers the different varieties of barcodes including 2-dimensional codes like the QR codes that many items carry today. Look for their pages under the link “about barcodes”.


According to its website, Computalabel, has been “a software house dedicated to developing and publishing barcode software for Mac and Windows” since the late 1980’s. Using the “About Barcode” pages on the website, users can find information about barcode uses, bar code structures, barcode terms, getting a good scan, PostScript imaging of barcodes, quality checking, UPC, EAN, ISBN, Code128, Code 39. ITF (interleaved 2 of 5), and ISSN. The site even includes a glossary of barcode terms. The company, which serves clients in both Europe and the USA, gives some information about barcode use in both venues on its pages.

To be useful in marketing management, standardization of barcodes is a must when data is moved from computer platform to platform; in other words, a global language of business is needed. Those who want to know more about the specifications related to the standardization that will make this happen will find the website GS1, propagated by Global Standards 1(GS1) useful. According to Wikipedia, “GS1 is a not-for-profit organization that develops and maintains global standards for business communication”.


This website walks through the process of obtaining a barcode. It addresses barcoding in different venues: apparel/general merchandising, retail grocery, foodservice, health care, banking, government and public sector, small business, aerospace, defense, high technology and electronics. The website offers educational opportunities and announces events. Additionally, it has a library with content designed for understanding the code and its uses.

Specific Barcodes For Different Industries

Finally, there are those who want specific barcode information for specific fields. Chose one of three sources for information related to the healthcare industry and the automotive industry or search the internet to find others.

https://www.hibcc.org  Barcode tags for healthcare

http://www.aimglobal.org Barcode tags for ID automotive manufacturers

https://www.aiag.org  Barcode tags for the automotive sector

These sites give some idea of the intricacies of barcoding and offer help with specific barcoding needs.

By using these sites, the curious to the the professional barcode user should find some enlightenment to their quandaries about the mysterious barcode tag.

To learn more about our barcode product offerings, contact us today at [email protected].

About the Author: Aaron Hobert

Aaron Hobert is our Sales Support Engineer. Hobert joined Metalcraft in September of 1994 as a Litho Press Operator, became the Autograph Team Lead in 1998 and in April 2005 he became the RFID Sales Support Rep. He was named our RFID Technical Specialist in 2008 and then he became our Sales Support Engineer in 2024. Aaron lives outside Charles City with his wife Diane.

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