RFID Weather-Proof Tags: Built to Withstand Mother Nature

The Asset Tracking Blog

Metalcraft RFID weather-proof tags are tough and reliable, providing a weather proof option to meet your RFID labeling needs. So much so that we can’t help but make a historical comparison:

With extreme endurance during the Persian Wars of the fifth century BC, Persian postal couriers securely carried information among warriors. So valiant were their efforts, that the historian, Herodotus, noted “neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds,” a quotations later used by the US Postal Service (chiseled in granite above the entrance to the 8th Avenue Post Office in New York City) to show the fidelity of their workers.

Today, many of the chores of securing, carrying, and retrieving critical information are handled, not by human couriers, but by mechanical means. One of those means is the RFID tag, which carries information much more securely than a human – or chiseled granite, for that matter.  But, like the warrior and the post person, it keeps secure the information whatever the environmental circumstances might be: particularly, the weather.

RFID Weather-proof Tags Hold Up To Heat

Although understood, but not mentioned in the quotation above, both warriors and postal workers battle the sun. RFID tags do too, with the unrelenting stamina that characterizes all of Metalcraft’s weather-resilient tags. Metalcraft’s weatherproof RFID tags resist the yellowing sun damage that many other tags display in short order. Using proprietary polymers designed to be resistant to the destructive effects of ultraviolet rays, Metalcraft coding on tags remains clearly readable to interrogator and human. Colors resist fading because of this selection and because of experienced fabrication.

Our RFID weather-proof tags can resist heat.

Years ago surface tackiness because of heat was problematic to the industry.  For the most part, the tackiness of the surface of polyester resins at regular summer temperatures has long been a thing of the past for most tag manufacturers. This certainly is the case for Metalcraft products, which have tactile stability far exceeding the temperature extremes of nature.

That being said, the tackiness of the adhesives used within the products and used to adhere the products to the asset is designed to be extremely stable. Metalcraft labels and tags remain intact in hot weather.  The adhesive bonds will hold the various substrates and will hold to the asset to which it is attached: again, choices made in adhesive selection and fabrication know-how make the difference when it comes to making a weather-resistant tag.

By gathering adhesion test data for each of its products on pull tolerances of tag to asset as well as the temperature zones each product can withstand, Metalcraft provides specification charts based on lab testing. Customers with concerns can reference these resources or contact a sales representative where unique circumstances may be an issue. The sun’s reflection off of metal that lands on RFID tags might be cause for concern and a consultation because of unusual, high temperature.

Snow and Rain are No Match For These RFID Weather-Proof Tags

In considering the “rain” and “snow” of the above quotation, a Metalcraft RFID tag is constructed to completely encapsulate the inlay (usually with polyester) to create a weatherproof seal from rain, snow and the dust that often comes with such phenomena. The seamless polyester jacket protects the performance and the life of the RFID label. Tag printing is subsurface printing that is not subject to intrusion.

Additionally, the tag can be read even if obliterated with snow, mud and infringing rust.  Tags are readable in cold weather (0°F), but, often, read distance is reduced.  If put under pressure, as sometimes happens as a result of tornado-force winds, hurricanes and landslides, the pliable tags will not break into pieces. Many tags also will resist severe abrasion.

RFID Labels Read Despite The Gloom of Night

RFID tags, of course, can carry cyber messages in the gloom of night: they work 24/7.

Certainly tags vary in their ability to perform. Some, for instance, are more rugged than others when it comes to enduring the elements: they, like the human predecessors they are hereto compared, need to be chosen for the task they are to fill. Certainly, like the ancient warrior and the post person were chosen, choose them individually for high performance in data delivery under all weather conditions.

To learn more about our RFID tags, please contact us today at [email protected].

About the Author: Aaron Hobert

Aaron Hobert is our Sales Support Engineer. Hobert joined Metalcraft in September of 1994 as a Litho Press Operator, became the Autograph Team Lead in 1998 and in April 2005 he became the RFID Sales Support Rep. He was named our RFID Technical Specialist in 2008 and then he became our Sales Support Engineer in 2024. Aaron lives outside Charles City with his wife Diane.

Mobile Phone: 641-330-2660
Office Phone: 641-423-9460
Email: [email protected]
Office: 3360 9th St. SW, Mason City, IA 50401

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